The Dining Room and Porcelain Room

Like the Great Drawing Room, the Dining Room is a corner room. Its green-painted wood paneling is interspersed with four panels of petit point embroidery representing vases of flowers, and a Beauvais tapestry, “Net Fishing,” based on a composition by François-Joseph Casanova. Two other tapestry compositions reflect the taste for still lifes: “The Brioche” and its companion piece “The Cream Service” were woven at the Gobelins factory from paintings by Anne Vallayer-Coster.

The Dining Room contains several remarkable creations by the cabinetmaker Adam Weisweiler: a mahogany “console desserte” (small serving table) lined with mirrors and a pair of elegant, ebony-veneered small tiered serving tables, with bronze ewers on their stretchers. Impressive pieces of silverware are arranged on the Italian-style expandable mahogany table and the consoles-dessertes; they were part of a service commissioned by Catherine II of Russia from the silversmith Jacques-Nicolas Roettiers in 1770, as a gift for Prince Orlov. A rococo wall clock, attributed to the bronze caster Jean-Joseph de Saint Germain, is hung above a marble fountain with a shell-shaped basin supported by palm trees. The chased gilt bronze candelabra on the pair of low cabinets stamped by Jules Leleu date from the late eighteenth century, and are strikingly elaborate in design.

The Porcelain Room
This room was specially arranged by Moïse de Camondo to display his porcelain collection. There are pieces from three Buffon services whose beauty and delicacy reflect the expertise and genius of the Sèvres factory. There are also soft-paste porcelain services from Chantilly and hard-paste ones from the Meissen factory. Moïse de Camondo ate his meals in this room when he was alone.

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