Garniture of a clock with turning dial rings and two vases

Garniture of a clock with turning dial rings and two vases

Niderviller factory
ca. 1785
Hard-paste porcelain with gold highlights
Inv. CAM 100

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Each piece in the set resembles a lidded urn and is decorated with a band featuring garlands of flowers in biscuit porcelain and medallions with grisaille figures of children or polychrome landscapes, on a lapis blue ground sprinkled with gold flowers. Each piece has a neck decorated with acanthus leaves, a gadrooned stem and a circular fluted foot. The clock is also decorated with two biscuit porcelain female mask heads. The clock movement is signed by Arnoud Père, a clockmaker working in Nancy. The piece bears the mark with two crowned C’s for the Comte de Custine, owner of the Niderviller factory from 1770 to 1793.

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