Eight sketches for the tapestry cartoons of the “Royal Hunts of Louis XV” tapestries

Eight sketches for the tapestry cartoons of the “Royal Hunts of Louis XV” tapestries

By Jean-Baptiste Oudry (1686-1755)
Oil on canvas
Inv. CAM 440

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In 1733, Oudry was commissioned to produce three tapestry cartoons illustrating the hunts of Louis XV. The tapestries, woven at the Gobelins factory, were intended to decorate the king’s bedchamber and antechamber and the Council Chamber at the Château de Compiègne. In 1738, it was decided that the series should comprise nine cartoons; these were completed by Oudry in 1746. Moïse de Camondo bought them from the antiques dealer Jacques Seligmann in 1921.

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